If I constantly seek for stability in life,
or by any means,
try to maintain peace or establish a routine in life

by all means
tell me that's impossible
and stop me from doing so

harder I try
the closer I come to realize
there is no such thing in life called peace

peace of the mind

but age 19
still finding my way and my place in the world
tell me that I have to establish a routine
every step along the way
so I can make myself feel more at ease, more comfortable

that's a's impossible

nerve breaking

should I say that I haven't tried
just not hard enough
not smart enough
coz people do it the smart way
and you don't

tho what difference does it make?

coz we all fall
but it's just that I fall harder
this every other time


if I am strong at all,
within not without
show me and prove it to me
that I'm capable

working my ways down the road
enduring the pressure
and still


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